A new friend!

Horatio guinea pig

Horatio joins the family!

I couldn’t resist posting a picture of our new little boy guinea pig who has joined the family this week! Horatio is 18 months old and a real little cutey pie! We’ve adopted him from North East Guinea Pig Rescue and he’s joined our 3 girls, Peppa, Petal and Amy in the pen in our utility room. I have a feeling he might make an appearance in one of the stories at some point… what do you think?

Horatio and his girls © Helen J. Aitken

Horatio with Amy (in front of the tube), Peppa (in white) and Petal (at the back!)

Our local guinea pig resuce, like so many others – has lots of guinea pigs in need of loving homes. There’s a list of rescues on this site. Click here if you want to find one near you.

Sadly, rescues tend to get inundated after Christmas when pets bought as presents are no longer wanted.

Please consider very carefully before committing to a pet. Children love guinea pigs, but they are not toys.

You can find out more about keeping guinea pigs on this site, or follow the guinea pig links provided.




Photos copyright Helen J. Aitken

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2 Responses so far.


    You have lovely guinepig stories and we have them all on our ipad , which is daddies ipad too.
    Looking forward to another new story.
    We have three little girl guinepigs
    One is called dandelion , one is called marble and one is called stripe. They are always hungry and we let them run around in the garden and put them to bed at night. Their favourite food is carrot and they like eating grass and dandelions.

    From Luke and Matthew

    Aged 7 and 5

  2. Helen says:

    Thank you Luke and Matthew! I love your guinea pigs’ names 🙂
    You don’t have long to wait for a new story…. watch this space!